Daily Care
Everyday Relief
SinuCleanse Daily Care Sterile Saline Nasal Mist moisturizes and provides fast, all natural, preservative free relief of nasal congestion and sinus symptoms associated with colds, allergies, dry air and other nasal irritants.
Allergy & Sinus
Relieves Congestion & Allergy Symptoms
SinuCleanse Allergy & Sinus Sterile Saline Nasal Mist moisturizes and provides fast, all natural, preservative free relief of severe nasal congestion and sinus symptoms associated with allergies and other nasal irritants.
Kids Mist
Ultra Gentle, Low Pressure for Infants & Children
Safe for Newborns and Children of All Ages, SinuCleanse Sterile Saline Kids Mist delivers a low pressure, gentle mist to safely moisturize, flush and cleanse delicate nasal passages, allowing your child to breathe easier.

Hydrates dry nasal passages for greater breathing comfort

Steroid & preservative-free, no side effects or drug interactions, use as often as needed

PH Balanced
Soothing, gentle, effective relief
Daily Care
Sterile Saline MistIsotonic, mild solution with salt concentration similar to your body's.
- Moisturizing
- Doctor Recommended
- All Natural
- No Side Effects
- No Drug Interactions
- Made in USA
Allergy & Sinus
Sterile Saline MistHypertonic, more concentrated solution similar to the salt content of the ocean.
- Moisturizing
- Doctor Recommended
- All Natural
- No Side Effects
- No Drug Interactions
- Made in USA
Sterile Saline
Kids MistIsotonic, mild solution with salt concentration similar to your child's body.
- Low pressure, Gentle, Ultra Fine Mist
- Moisturizing
- Doctor Recommended
- All Natural
- No Side Effects
- No Drug Interactions
- Made in USA