Breath Easier

Naturally Safe

Quality First

Doctor Developed
The SinuCleanse Soft Tip Neti Pot uses the gentle flow of gravity to deliver a controlled flow of the all-natural saline solution into the nasal passages. At the same time, its soft tip provides a gentle seal with your nostril, creating a comfortable nasal washing experience so that you can breathe your best!
Helps ease symptoms of:
Allergies Cold and Flu Nasal Congestions Nasal Dryness Sinus Pressure Sinusitis and Rhinitis

I have severe congestion especially at night. This product has helped prevent the use of more addictive OTC products.
Victor L.
Helped keep my airways open. Yes, I recommend this product.
Steve B.
Easy to use, effective and can take when I'm traveling.
Erika B.